The Future of Snacking is Here. And It’s Biblical!

Holy Locust, World’s First Biblical Snack!

Locusts are the foundation of our innovative snack.

According to the Bible, John the Baptist sustained himself on a diet of locusts and wild honey “and his meat was locusts and wild honey” (Matthew 3:4), God’s richest protein snack creation: “Of them you may eat: the locust of any kind” (Leviticus 11:22).  

“Holy Locust” is the world’s first Biblical snack, a restored Biblical tradition and intended to be consumed and strengthen your body. Let this snack serve as nourishment that goes beyond physical sustenance.

The “Holy Locust” snack is rich in high-quality protein and packed with vitamins and essential nutrients. Modern Research has praised locusts’ rich nutritional content that can strengthen and nourish our bodies.

Sourced from the banks of the Jordan River, locusts are being farmed by an Israeli startup company that combines ancient traditions with modern innovation of sustainable agriculture technologies.

As you enjoy every “Holy Locust” bite, experience being part of a restored ancient way of life.

One bite at a time. 

With each bite of a “Holy Locust” snack you too can be a part of restoring a lost Biblical tradition. According to the Bible, John the Baptist sustained himself on a diet of locusts and wild honey:

“and his meat was locusts and wild honey”

Matthew 3:4

God’s richest protein snack creation:

“Of them you may eat: the locust of any kind”

Leviticus 11:22

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”
1 Corinthians 10:31

About the Founder

Dror Tamir, the founder of “Holy Locust” learned about locust’s secrets since his childhood at Kibbutz Ma’anit, following his dream he turned his vision and passion into the revival of a lost Biblical food and feed the masses.

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Reaction to first taste of locust

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